Our solutions are based on
tested, reliable, and highly accessible hardware and software solutions.
NewFormat is Appointed Reseller and Solution Partner in
Nordic (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway)
Baltic Region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
of leading PDF technology from axaio software GmbH.
Editorial Workflow Technology
Streamlines and standardizes PDF
creation, print and publishing output and content correction workflows for
Adobe® InDesign®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Adobe® InCopy® and QuarkXPress®
axaio MadeToTag
Making Content Accessible from within Adobe InDesign
The purpose of axaio MadeToTag is to kick in
where Adobe InDesign fails
No need for revision / post-processing in Adobe Acrobat!
axaio - intelligent efficiency
axaio software plug-ins enhance native capabilities and features of
Adobe® InDesign®, InCopy®, Illustrator® and QuarkXPress® environments.
(Click on any icon for more detailed product information)
axaio solutions are being used by public authorities, publishing houses,
advertisement agencies, media services agencies, prepress service providers,
printers and packaging companies, insurance companies, associations,
banks and financial services entities, education and research institutions,
all over the world.
They can seamlessly integrate into publishing systems such as vjoon K4,
WoodWing Enterprise, Van Gennep PlanSystem4, and Quark Publishing System,
and workflow automation platforms such as
Laidback Solutions FileTrain and Enfocus Switch.
axaio software is also focusing on to provide support for the ISO Standard PDF/UA
for universally accessible PDF documents and PDF forms,
a theme of growing importance in going forward.
axaio MadeToTag is "PDF/UA-Ready"
View, read and navigate in PDF/UA-compliant PDF-files
for axaio software tools to enhance the native capabilities and features of
Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, InCopy Illustrator and QuarkXPress
Accessible PDF
A fully PDF/UA compliant PDF can be just as
accessible as a WCAG compliant website
axaio MadeToTag
Making Content Accessible from within Adobe InDesign
axaio MadeToTag is a plugin to Adobe InDesign that generates
accessible PDF documents from within Adobe InDesign according to
the ISO standard PDF/UA for universally accessible PDF.
MadeToTag makes life easier to all who need to generate
accessible PDFs right from the layout in Adobe InDesign
– without time-cost re-work in Adobe Acrobat!
No need for revision / post-processing in Adobe Acrobat!
The purpose of axaio MadeToTag is to kick in
where Adobe InDesign fails.
MadeToTag considerably simplifies and speeds up
preparation, creation and export steps, and ensures
that you do not miss out on any important action!
The intuitive UI guides you easily through 7 tasks,
which are necessary until the accessible,
legally PDF/UA compliant PDF can be exported.
MadeToTag Control Center
Check-ups features and problem locators/correctors
give you the safety that all parts of the PDF document
are processed properly and digitally accessible,
and that nothing is forgotten.
axaio MadeToTag performs many functions that other tools cannot easily do.
MadeToTag shows its strength, makes a difference and shines in creating:
accessible complex table structures (multi-columns and multi-rows),
anchored frames,
support of caption, blockquote & index, endnotes & footnotes,
automatically generated tables of contents for entire Adobe InDesign books
axaio MadeToTag Overview (3:59)
Latest News
axaio MadeToTag supports Adobe InDesign CC 2020 - CC 2025 / ID 2025 (V20.0)
March 24, 2022 - Native support of Apple Mac/iMac M-Series Chips:
axaio MadeToTag v2.4.114, and later, provides native support
for the Apple Mac/iMac Apple M-Series Chips (ARM chip technology);
(no more need for Rosetta 2 emulation!).
An accessible PDF can also fulfill PDF requirements
for archiving/long-term preservation
axaio MadeToTag was developed to support workflows where tagged and
accessible PDF documents need to be created from Adobe InDesign.
Much of the importance of tagging and structuring however also exists
for workflows where long-term archiving of PDF documents is important.
axaio MadeToTag supports the following ISO Standards:
ISO 14289-1, PDF/UA-1 for universally accessible PDF documents
PDF/UA-1 & PDF/A-2a, for long-term archiving of PDF documents
An accessible PDF can simultaneously meet several PDF standards
"PDF/UA-1 and PDF/A-2a"
In case the user for PDF export in MadeToTag chooses
"PDF/UA-1" and "PDF/A-2a" as desired PDF format,
the exported PDF document becomes a
"PDF/UA-1 + PDF/A-2a" document.
CHAX Chat Podcast / CHAX Training and Consulting
- Accessibility Unraveled by Dax Castro and Chad Chelius.
This episode covers accessibility quick fix tools in Adobe Acrobat;
"Accessibility Tools in PDF Preflight Fixups".
Accessibility quick fixes you might not have ever known was there.
It also talks about a great plugin for Adobe InDesign,
axaio MadeToTag by axaio software,
that helps export compliant tables right from within InDesign:
- Chad Chelius:
"axaio MadeToTag helps us to make compliant tables
right out of Adobe InDesign, as well as a host of other
great features to extend our ability to create
accessible PDFs from Adobe InDesign."
"I don’t think I can live without it. I use it all the time.
And it really helps me to to reduce the amount of time
that I spend remediating files."
CreativePro Magazine, nr 11/2022, focuses on accessibility
and reviews axaio MadeToTag:
Quick Training Course / Online Webinars on
axaio MadeToTag for Adobe InDesign
"Create barrier-free and universally accessible PDF documents,
according to the ISO Standard PDF/UA, easier and faster from within
Adobe InDesign with axaio MadeToTag"
No need to afterwards manually readjust
the PDF with Adobe Acrobat!
Do you want to create accessible PDF documents with as little effort as possible?
With a little basic knowledge, you can achieve this with
Adobe InDesign AND axaio MadeToTag AND our Quick Training Couse.
Well tagged PDF
A prerequisite for accessible and legally
PDF/UA compliant PDF documents
Well tagged PDFs are essential and a prerequisite for accessibility
so that screen reader devices for visually impaired people or
reading software for users with learning disabilities can
provide rich access to a PDF’s content.
axaio MadeToTag exports well-tagged,
accessible and PDF/UA compliant PDF documents
directly from within Adobe InDesign
Well tagged PDFs also enable screen reader software programs to offer
easy navigation and accessible presentation of content in PDF files.
An accessible PDF is also a mobile-friendly PDF.
Mobile PDF readers increasingly include the capability to reflow,
so that the document adjusts to various screen sizes.
A PDF must be properly tagged to reflow reliably.
So besides that tagged documents are accessible to assistive
technology users, PDF accessibility is vitally important for the
huge and rapidly growing number of mobile device users.
(Click on image)
Display of structure tags in a correctly tagged PDF document
(using callas pdfGoHTML)
On top of that, PDF tags are also an effective method to improve
the company’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
The tags in the PDF file follow concepts similar to those found in HTML.
Properly used tags place websites higher in the search engine rankings;
the same applies when searching for PDF documents.
Even automated text extraction from PDF documents
is easier with correctly-tagged PDF documents.
Legal requirements for accessibility to digital information for all in the society
(see the EU Web Accessibility Directive, the Swedish Act on Access to Public Services,
the Swedish Discrimination Act, ...., the German BGG, BITV and EU mandate 376)
impose that the public sector offers all digital content,
webpages as well as PDF documents, in an accessible form.
But also media service providers, advertising/communication agencies, banks,
insurances agencies, representatives of associations and institutions as well as
students and lecturers at colleges and universities increasingly consider it
their duty to have their written materials available as accessible documents.
Nothing is simpler than that with axaio MadeToTag within Adobe InDesign.
axaio MadeToTag is the leading tool for simple, fast and reliable tagging
in Adobe InDesign of document content to make it accessible to all.
(You will be asked to fill in a trial request form.
To help us identify your software download and support you,
please enter the code NewFormat
in the form field named Preferred Reseller).
axaio MadeToTag
Making Content Accessible - from within Adobe InDesign
Why axaio MadeToTag?
Adobe InDesign is ranked by many as the industry leading software for
page design and layout and for export of PDF files for print and digital media.
Adobe InDesign can create tables, footnotes, endnotes, table of contents,
hyperlinks and tags before exporting a document as an accessible PDF.
Adobe Indesign exports standard PDF output:
But due to shortage in Adobe InDesign, InDesign does not always
correctly export PDF output fully compliant with PDF/UA:
Validation of PDF/UA compliance (using callas pdfaPilot):
"Document not PDF/UA compliant!"
For this reason it’s worth looking into axaio MadeToTag that exports
accessible PDF output from Adobe InDesign much better.
axaio MadeToTag kicks in where Adobe InDesign fails!
axaio MadeToTag makes Adobe InDesign PDF documents
accessible for everyone according to the ISO Standard PDF/UA.
axaio MadeToTag is a plugin for Adobe® InDesign®
to properly prepare InDesign documents for export as
accessible PDF documents according to
the ISO Standard PDF/UA ("universally accessible PDF").
The exported PDF dokument contains all important criteria for
accessible PDF and also complies with PDF/A-2a for long-term archiving.
The PDFs created with MadeToTag are also compliant with the applicable
requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (W3C/WCAG)
which were translated into rules for accessible PDFs.
axaio MadeToTag is an indispensable tool to export
accessible PDF documents out of comprehensive and
complex Adobe InDesign documents, such as
annual reports, stock exchange prospectus,...
axaio MadeToTag addresses a lot of the shortcomings of Adobe InDesign,
and adds the following enhanced capabilities:
Significantly more powerful support for tagging of complex tables;
including definition of scope and row headings in tables
Create links in footnotes
Locate common problems such as faux lists,
empty paragraphs, and figures with no alt text
Locate text with insufficient contrast
Set the language of selected text
PDF optimization
..., and much more
Files that are exported from within Adobe InDesign with
axaio MadeToTag are immediately PDF/UA compliant
without any further intervention after export.
axaio MadeToTag extends and enhances
Adobe InDesign’s basic capabilities
The MadeToTag plug-in defines the content and
semantic structure of the InDesign document based on tags.
PDF files can not only define the visual appearance of pages in
a document, but can also be enhanced by so-called "tags" that
define a semantic structure for the page content.
Content that has been organized into articles can be exported to
tagged PDF very easily. In addition to organizing the content
into articles, it is also necessary to assign standard tag types
to paragraph style sheets, to add alternate text to images.
MadeToTag extends and enhances Adobe InDesign’s basic capabilities
to structure content for export to a tagged PDF and takes advantage of
the "Articles" panel and makes it possible to use it in a much easier,
much faster and more reliable way.
MadeToTag provides intuitive controls and practical overview while working.
Instead of tedious manual dragging and dropping, MadeToTag allows you
to easily structure your Adobe InDesign files via shortcuts.
(Click on picture)
Display of the internal Tag Tree Structure in a tagged PDF file
(using callas pdfGoHTML)
The manual revision step with Adobe Acrobat can be skipped,
tags no longer need to be revised / post-processed in Adobe Acrobat!
This leads to large time savings as well as improved and more reliable
navigation within the document in favor of reading software, for example.
With MadeToTag customers, faced with the request to
deliver accessible PDFs, get a practical and solid tool,
helping not to get lost in the complex accessibility
processing procedures.
For Adobe InDesign-based documents that have to be
maintained and updated regularly, such as datasheets,
brochures, annual reports, booklets, forms, timetables,...,
is it recommend to do the accessibility work in Adobe InDesign
complemented with he axaio MadeToTag plug-in,
rather than in the final exported PDF.
While it is possible to export to a tagged PDF using Adobe InDesign’s
built-in features, MadeToTag dramatically increases the productivity
for users creating universally accessible tagged PDFs (PDF/UA format)
from their Adobe InDesign documents.
Time-consuming problems with the PDF export feature of Adobe InDesign
are solved in the background by MadeToTag, without any user effort.
MadeToTag saves an enormous amount of time, helps avoiding errors,
eliminates tedious manual post-processing in Adobe Acrobat,
and delivers high-quality results.
Validation of PDF/UA compliance
(using callas pdfaPilot):
"Document PDF/UA compliant!"
MadeToTag provides its own tagged PDF export mechanism.
The MadeToTag tagged PDF export also carries out several
extra steps not otherwise available in Adobe InDesign.
Furthermore it fixes a number of critical bugs which are crucial
for generation of an accessible PDF document.
Key Features:
Intuitive visual tools and lots of keyboard shortcuts to:
Define export tags for document styles.
Structure content using articles.
Practical color highlight check and review of the export tags.
Correct tagging of lists, tables, links,
tables of content and form fields.
Use Structure Preview to intuitively and
quickly check tagging quality.
Edit/add alternate texts for images,
graphic descriptions and document metadata.
Allocation of languages used in the document
for an enhanced language output.
Easy tagging of complex tables by table rows and columns.
Reliable processing of tags included in anchored frames,
e.g. titles and lists.
Check export tags with colored preview.
Repair features for common problems as
incorrectly defined lists, empty paragraphs, etc.
Check for insufficient color contrast.
Comfortable handling of interactive form fields.
Tagging preview using callas pdfGoHTML technology
for a quick tagging quality check.
Control of language settings for paragraph,
character styles and local formatings.
Control of document metadata.
Optimization of 'anchored frames' for export of tagged PDFs
Export of complete Adobe InDesign books as tagged PDF
Extends the power of Adobe InDesign CC 2018 - CC 2025 / ID 2025.
Accurate, fast and easy generation of tagged PDF/UA.
Makes it very easy to make any Adobe InDesign file
ready for accessibility.
Observance of PDF/UA relevant document elements
for accessible PDF generation.
Create accessible documents in only 7 steps.
Reliable results through built-in control checks.
Reliable and comprehensive structuring and tagging of
different content; such as headers, text, lists, etc.
Allows reliable and comprehensive tagging of
contents in a short amount of time.
Problem locator identifies and automatically fixes problems
usually encountered within Adobe InDesign such as
incorrect hyphens, misplaced hard returns or
incorrectly formatted lists.
Locates images that don't have an alternative text,
which is required for creating accessible PDFs.
Missing alternative texts can be added within seconds.
Color highlighting feature prevents missing or mis-tagged content.
Tagging structure preview for better control.
Optimized and intuitive user interface enables fast processing.
Note! No rework in Adobe Acrobat needed.
Certainty, to be prepared for upcoming, or already in place,
official regulations on the availability of accessible documents:
Optimal support for legal requirements for physically impaired
people and for accessibility in the information technology
(such as described in the German BGG, BITV and EU mandate 376).
Improves your company’s Search Engine Optimization.
Native support of Apple Mac/iMac Apple M-Series Chips (ARM chip technology).
MadeToTag is available in English, German, French,
Danish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.
axaio MadeToTag 7-steps guide
Practical 7-step user guide
on how to easily tag PDF documents
with MadeToTag from within Adobe Indesign.
This 7-step guide ensures that you do not miss out on any important action!
The MadeToTag User Interface (UI) is based on an easy
to follow 7-steps guide, which will lead you safely,
intuitively and logically through the necessary steps
you will need to take to generate a digitally accessible
PDF document according to the PDF/UA standard.
axaio MadeToTag workflow features
tagged PDF in only 7 simple steps!
axaio MadeToTag helps tagging InDesign files in a user-friendly,
logically structured and intuitive way. Includes a very handy list of
shortcuts for quick and easy tagging, problem locators to avoid
mistakes and previews of collected or not collected articles for
a better overview increase the operator's productivity.
Graphical user-interface allows step-by-step guidance for creating
a universally accessible tagged PDF file (PDF/UA format).
This new user-friendly concept offers a better overview
of the necessary tasks and provides a higher level of
control and security.
axaio MadeToTag makes it easy to specify the intended
content reading order which in turn dramatically shapes
the reader's experience of the designed content.
Provides support and visual feedback to tag assignment of
semantic, reading order, alternative text for images and graphics,
language settings, advanced table tagging, and metadata.
Directly export to PDF/UA-1 format, or PDF/UA-1 & PDF/A-2a format.
Saves time and provides increased reliability and efficiency.
In the case of choosing PDF/UA-1 & PDF/A-2a as export file (Task 7 below),
the exported file will be a "PDF/UA-1 + PDF/A-2a" file,
the PDF/A-2a file is PDF/UA compatible too.
Tag PDF files with MadeToTag in 7 short steps
Overview: Click on image
In only 7 steps (tasks) tagged PDF files can be created with
axaio MadeToTag from within Adobe InDesign:
Task 1. Define export tags for correct semantic structure
Task 2. Structure content into articles for correct reading order
Task 3. Assign alternate text for images and graphics
Task 4. Assign document metadata
Task 5. Assign languages used in the document
Task 6. Tagging of table content and structure
Task 7. Create/Export tagged PDF file
according to the ISO Standard PDF/UA
After having exported the PDF document from axaio MadeToTag (Task 7),
it is highly recommended to review the tagging structure in
the exported PDF document and its PDF/UA conformance with:
Typical use case where native Adobe InDesign fails
is tagging of complex tables with headers spanning over
multi-columns and multi-rows:
Figure: Sample of untagged/inaccessible complex table.
Headers spanning over multi-columns and multi-rows
It is not possible to tag above table in native Adobe InDesign.
In theory it could be tagged in Adobe Acrobat,
but it would take many, many hours at least.
MadeToTag and the "Smart Headers editing mode" feature
supports tagging of complex tables:
Using axaio MadeToTag plugin for Adobe InDesign and
the "Smart headers editing mode" feature, it only takes a few minutes
to correctly tag the same table, as evidenced by the pictures below:
Figure: PDF/UA-tagged complex table.
Headers spanning over multi-columns and multi-rows.
Content cell (green) linked to both corresponding
row header (yellow) and column header (yellow)
Figure: PDF/UA-tagged complex table.
Headers spanning over multi-columns and multi-rows.
Column content cells (blue) linked to both corresponding
column header (green) and top multi-column header (yellow)
See more on the "Tagging of Table Structures" feature here:
Support of MathML-based mathematical formulas and equations
in tagged PDF that meets the ISO standard PDF/UA
MadeToTag provides significant functional boost to better meet
the demand for accessible PDF documents and now supports
mathematical equations and expressions in tagged PDF/UA documents.
(Click on image)
axaio software has been working extensively on how to handle
mathematical expressions in the context of MadeToTag.
There are users who need to export InDesign documents
containing a variety of equations and other mathematical
expressions as accessible PDF documents.
At the same time, the PDF/UA standard guidelines
do not yet contain any concrete specifications as to how
this type of content should be tagged or output in PDF
to ensure comprehensive accessibility.
After intensive research and discussions with customers
from various sectors, such as the science industry,
the school and education system and the publishing industry,
axaio software has come to the conclusion that there
cannot be only one correct approach:
The way mathematical content is consumed
varies in manner and intensity, depending on
the context and background of the reader,
i.e. the person who finally consumes that content.
the methods used for the accessible implementation
of mathematical expressions in tagged PDF should also
offer different variants.
movemen MathTools brings MathML to Adobe InDesign
A first variant for MathML (Mathematical MarkUp Language)
support in MadeToTag was developed in a strategic cooperation
with the German manufacturer movemen GmbH.
movemen is the developer of MathTools,
an Adobe InDesign / InDesign Server plug-in.
MathML is a markup language that describes
the structure of a mathematical equation
in order to better understand its semantics.
MathTools provides a typographically correct way
to create and format mathematical expressions,
such as equations, directly in Adobe InDesign.
The equations are displayed as text and can be edited
directly with the text formatting tools in InDesign.
The workaround using embedded images or
objects can thus be avoided.
MathML support in axaio MadeToTag
MadeToTag users can now choose,
in Task 7 of MadeToTag’s output process,
to place the MathML as an annotation over
the mathematical expression (formulas, equations, fractions …)
in the PDF/UA.
The only requirement for taking advantage of this
new MadeToTag feature is that you are working with
equations that were previously set in InDesign with
the MathTools plugin from movemen GmbH.
Furthermore, MathTools must be licensed in the "Enterprise" version.
In order to use this feature in MadeToTag,
you need to set the check mark for "Create MathML annotations"
in processing Task 7: "Create Tagged PDF File".
The annotation will then automatically be placed over
all formulas contained in the document and contains
the corresponding MathML of the formula:
Export Option: Create MathML annotations
Contrary to equations which were included as embedded
images or objects, the equation's semantic structure is
furthermore available as MathML and can therefore be
better supported by assistive technologies.
As already mentioned, axaio software has set itself an objective:
implementing additional variants for representing mathematical
expressions in tagged PDF/UA in the near future.
See more on the "Create MathML-annotations" feature here: