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NewFormat AB

PDF standards make the world work

Our solutions are based on
tested, reliable, and highly accessible hardware and software solutions.

NewFormat is Appointed Reseller and Solution Partner in
Nordic (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway)
Baltic Region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
of leading PDF technology from axaio software GmbH.

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Editorial Workflow Technology

axaio software solutions streamlines and standardizes PDF creation,
print and publishing output and content correction workflows for
Adobe® InDesign®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Adobe® InCopy® and QuarkXPress®

axaio software MadeForLayers - Logo

axaio MadeForLayers
Efficient Layer Organization

axaio - intelligent efficiency

axaio software plug-ins enhance native capabilities and features of
Adobe® InDesign®, InCopy®, Illustrator® and QuarkXPress® environments.

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(Click on any icon for more detailed product information)

    axaio solutions are being used by public authorities, publishing houses,
    advertisement agencies, media services agencies, prepress service providers,
    printers and packaging companies, insurance companies, associations,
    banks and financial services entities, education and research institutions,
    all over the world.

    They can seamlessly integrate into publishing systems such as vjoon K4,
    WoodWing Enterprise, Van Gennep PlanSystem4, and Quark Publishing System,
    and workflow automation platforms such as
    Laidback Solutions FileTrain and Enfocus Switch.

PDF/UA - Icon

    axaio software is also focusing on to provide support for the ISO Standard PDF/UA
    for universally accessible PDF documents and PDF forms,
    a theme of growing importance in going forward.


    Contact NewFormat,
    for axaio software tools to enhance the native capabilities and features of
    Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, InCopy Illustrator and QuarkXPress

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    axaio MadeForLayers Efficient Layer Organization

Adobe InDesign - Icon Adobe Illustrator - Icon

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webinars / video recordings, tutorials, demonstrations

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MadeForLayers - Instructor-led Training

Price Information

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axaio software MadeForLayers Flyer - Front Cover - Picture


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Click Here for Free Trial of axaio MadeForLayers for 30 Days

(You will be asked to fill in a trial request form.
To help us identify your software download and support you,
please enter the code NewFormat
in the form field named Preferred Reseller).

axaio MadeForLayers
Efficient Layer Organization with
Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe® Illustrator®

    Creation and editing of complex documents for the packaging
    industry and other purposes requires efficient design tools.
    Tools that can manage layer-heavy documents and multiple technical versions.

    axaio MadeForLayers is a plugin for Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe® Illustrator®,
    that helps streamlining and simplifying the creation and
    editing of complex documents, based on layer views.

    axaio software MadeForLayers - Layer Views - Regional Variants - Apples - Picture

    MadeForLayers saves design time and reduces human errors
    while working with layer-heavy documents.

    Different layers can be combined into layer views
    (i.e. logical combinations of layers that make handling
    layers efficient and dependable) showing different language
    or regional variants of a document with a single mouse-click.

    For a better overview, MadeForLayers has a user interface that
    intelligently displays and hides layers containing interrelated content.

    In packaging environments you can clearly differ between
    multiple technical versions with one hand grab.

    When combined with axaio MadeToPrint
    – the intelligent output automation solution –
    the different layer views can automatically be printed or
    exported to PDF, instantly creating output for all different
    language or regional versions without any chance of mistakes.

Fields of Application for axaio MadeForLayers in
Adobe® InDesign® and Adobe® Illustrator® Environments

Language layers in MadeForLayers

axaio software MadeForLayers - Layer Views - Picture
    For Multi-lingual production:

    Use layer views to organize your multilingual documents.

    • By grouping all layers for a specific language into a layer view,
      switching between layers literally takes only one click, hugely reducing
      the chance on error and minimizing confusion while editing.

      With the output finesse of axaio MadeToPrint one can then
      easily create either one master PDF file containing all
      language variants, or one PDF file for each language.

    For Regional Publications:

    In region-specific publications such as sales brochures, catalogues, etc.
    parts of the content are typically customized for different
    regions or target groups.

    • Creating layer views with MadeForLayers allows
      organizing these different regional editions.
      This can be done for existing documents or a template
      can be created to streamline editing of all future production.

      Again, in combination with axaio MadeToPrint one can easily save
      separate files for each regional edition afterwards.

Layer Views in MadeForLayers for Packaging

axaio software MadeForLayers - Layer Views for Packaging - Picture
    For Packaging Service Providers:

    In a typical packaging workflow many stakeholders must review,
    comment and approve different versions of a design.
    Generating and keeping track of all of these versions can
    prove to be a logistical nightmare.

    • Organizing the source document in Adobe Illustrator or InDesign
      with the proper technical, marketing and legal layer views makes it
      easy to generate customized PDF files allowing everyone to see just
      the information they need.

      With axaio MadeToPrint you can print layouts or export PDF files
      using specific layer views predesigned in axaio MadeForLayers.
axaio software MadeForLayers - Use of Layer Views for Packaging - Picture

    Key Features:

    • Group layers into logical layer views to streamline different working methods:
      • Working with documents containing multiple language versions
        (localization workflows).

      • Working with documents containing regional variants of
        ads or editorial contents (regional publications).

      • Working with complex packaging documents
        containing design and technical layers.

    • Create, edit or delete layer views.

    • User-friendly and intuitive layer palette for efficient layer handling,
      with three specialized palette states:
      • Minimal view, to quickly switch between layer views.

      • Normal view, to additionally create, edit or delete layers.

      • Extended view, to additionally create, edit or delete layer views
        and add or edit metadata to layers.

    • Save layer view combinations to disk and import them into existing
      documents to quickly apply layer views to similar documents.

    • Add metadata to layers to enable workflow automation based on
      standardized metadata rather than layer names.

    • Set a specific layer view as the default document view to determine
      which layers will be visible initially when the document is opened.

    • Create a new layer view from the currently visible layers;
      add or remove layers from layer views to adjust.

    • Keyboard shortcuts for a faster and more comfortable
      switching between the different layer views.

    In combination with axaio MadeToPrint

    • Export to a single PDF file containing different layer views
      in a format compliant with the latest ISO PDF/X-4 standard.

    • Export the default layer view to any of the file formats supported by
      MadeToPrint (PostScript, EPS, PDF, IDML, image formats,...).

    • Export each layer view to a separate output file in any of the file formats
      supported by MadeToPrint (PostScript, EPS, PDF, IDML, image formats,...).

    Product Benefits:

    • Quicker document editing.
      Simply define logical layer views for your document once and then
      switch between layer views while editing with one mouse-click.

    • Standardized document creation processing.
      Save layer views - containing layer names and metadata definitions -
      and apply them to new or existing documents to standardize how
      documents are structured and to enable automation in production.

    • Error-free, consistent output. No accidential layer mix-up.
      In combination with axaio MadeToPrint,
      output all different versions of a publication in one go,
      with standardized settings and without risk of mixing up
      or forgetting content in complex documents.

    • Focus.
      Focus on particular parts of your job.

    • Open for everyone.
      Even though the single-click layer view switching
      will not be available on workstations without MadeForLayers,
      MadeForLayers uses only standard InDesign functionality.
      Files created or edited with MadeForLayers are perfectly
      usable on other workstations.

    • Available as part of MadeToPrint,
      for an error-free document version export.

    System Requirements:

PDF Processing Steps Metadata

Standardized PDF metadata for non-print / post-print workflows

    PDF Processing Steps Metadata

    axaio MadeForLayers (and axaio MadeToPrint)
    for Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator
    support additional metadata, and its interactive evaluation,
    for non-print "PDF Processing Steps Metadata".

callas pdfToolbox - PDF Processing Steps Metadata - Picture

    The Processing Steps Concept.

    Processing Steps is a specification originally developed by
    The Ghent Workgroup to associate information (metadata)
    about non-printing and finishing processes
    (such as cutting, embossing, varnish, conversion, Braille, …)
    with a PDF file.

    PDF files in packaging workflows commonly contain the design
    to be printed and elements that are not printed, yet are crucial to
    how the printed piece is going to be further processed.
    A prime example is cutting and folding information which is
    needed after printing, to cut a box to final format and fold it
    into its 3D shape.

    The Ghent Workgroup identified years ago that a lack of
    standardization in the way these “processing steps” elements
    were contained in PDF documents, were a hindrance to the acceptance
    of PDF as the standard format in such packaging workflows.

    PDF Processing Steps Use Cases.

    Layers can now have both regular metadata and
    processing steps metadata attached to them.

    The PDF Processing Steps metadata standard is of key importance for
    packaging-, label- and large format-specific groups of processing-steps data.

    PDF Processing Steps allows packaging and product developers and
    designers to specify post-print workflow components with a PDF file
    in a language-independent, vendor-neutral way.

    PDF Processing Steps specifies how standardized post-print workflow elements
    (e.g. cutting, folding) can be stored in a PDF file in a standardized way,
    a substantial improvement over today’s vendor-specific arrangements.

    The standardisation is based on the ISO Standard 19593-1,
    Part 1: Processing steps for packaging and labels, which defines
    the use of PDF to associate processing steps and content data.

    With the help of the PDF Processing Steps standard,
    standardization of automation of processing steps
    in packaging production can be improved substantially.

    It standardizes metadata for layers to allow for interoperability between
    devices in exchanging data for non-print processing steps. In addition,
    it defines rules for objects on and interdependencies between layers.

    It creates the possibility to add standardised terms to each layer to
    help identify the layer in subsequent processing steps in the workflow.

    This type of information has usually earlier been defined as
    technical spot colors in a PDF.
    For lack of standardization, everybody has been using different names,
    which made workflow automation very difficult.

    Processing steps metadata is primarily interesting for packaging since,
    in addition to the printing objects, a good deal of additional information
    are defined in a PDF for packaging.
    This allows a language independent identification of these objects.

    This is done by grouping page objects in layers
    (technically: optional content groups, OCG), and adding metadata to
    those layers to identify them as processing steps.

    With ISO 19593-1, packaging production workflows can be significantly
    enhanced to include specifications for cutting lines, varnishing, embossing,
    add braille and more using standardized, language-independent metadata
    together with PDF’s Optional Content Groups (OCGs) feature.

    When associated with OCGs, processing steps information allows
    diverse authors, users or workflow operators to choose specific elements,
    for example, to verify cut-marks, check colors, or other considerations.

    Metadata can now be used for selective display of the elements for validation.
    A marketing person is interested in other elements than a prepress specialist.
    For proof output cutting lines, braille, etc. are also printed while for
    CTP (Computer To Plate) output they are automatically omitted.
    In addition, subsequent systems (e.g. impostion, embossing, braille)
    which support this standard can retrieve the information relevant for
    their processing step directly in the PDF data.

    Use cases include:

    • metadata identifying processing steps;

    • limitations on the interaction between PDF graphics objects
      that are part of a processing step and other PDF graphics objects;

    • limitations on PDF graphics objects in processing steps;

    • Easily identifying data corresponding to
      "Structural" finishing steps, such as:
      • Bleed, cutting, creasing, drilling, embossing, folding,
        foil stamping, folding, glueing, perforating, punching,
        stapling, varnish free;

    • Braille in a document;

    • information panels;

    • indications of physical dimensions;

    • indications of intended positions of graphical elements;

    • printed white, for example on transparent or metallic surfaces;

    • printed varnish.

    PDF Processing Steps in axaio MadeForLayers.

    Processing Steps is useful if you want to pass layer-specific
    production instructions (e.g. cut, glue, …) to the PDF.

    Adding special metadata to different layers:

    MadeForLayers allows you to associate metadata directly with a certain layer.

    In MadeForLayers, the processing steps metadata is filled out for
    each layer using the MadeForLayers "Edit Layer" panel and is then
    retained in the layout application.

    Click on the desired layer and click the "Edit" button
    to open the "Edit Layer" window.

    Complete the Layer Metadata fields.

    MadeForLayers supports:

    • processing steps metadata (1), and

    • layer metadata (2)
axaio software MadeForLayers - PDF Processing Steps - Metadata Edit Layer - Picture

    The Processing Steps option is also accessible via the layer handling in
    axaio MadeToPrint for Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator.

    When using MadeToPrint to export the document to a PDF file,
    these metadata are automatically applied to the respective layer
    in the PDF document for output export.

    Interactive as well as profile driven evaluation, modification and
    preflight of non-print PDF Processing Steps Metadata is also
    supported in callas pdfToolbox.

For more information contact NewFormat

NewFormat AB
Smörblommegränd 14, SE-165 72 Hässelby (Stockholm), Sweden
tel:+46 (0)70 631 53 01

All content © copyright 2008-2025 NewFormat AB. All rights reserved.
All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks
are property of their respective owners.

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axaio software Gold Partner