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    For references on products and services from NewFormat,
    please see:

    Other References

    Education & Research Computing andPublic Private Partnership (PPP)
    for ICT Skills Capacity Building and ICT Competency Building.

    Educational and Academic Software

    Software, Training, ICT Resources and more for Schools
    - for classrooms, labs, infrastructure and knowledge computing.

    NewFormat supports education & research!
    Schools are welcome to use our software for educational purposes
    within graphics production, packaging design / construction,
    digital publishing, ...

    The price for schools is of course heavily subsidized.
    It may vary from 0 SEK per year to a certain low symbolic
    annual amount depending on the software and
    the product owner's terms.

    These software resources are only available for
    eligible educational institutions and strictly for
    non-commercial education purposes.
    Therefore, they can not be used by the educational institution
    for commercial assignment training or against payment.



    NewFormat and OpenFormat are all
    Registered Trademarks of NewFormat AB
    in The Kingdom of Sweden.

    is our corporate name as well as primary URL and trademark.

    is our secondary URL and trademark for our range of
    leading industry solutions and software tools based on
    recognized and open standards, and related services.

    Other trademarks on this web site may be
    trademarks of their respective owners.

NewFormat AB Industry Associations Memberships:

PDF Association

Småföretagarnas Riksförbund



Swedish Packaging Guild (SFG)

PDF Association Member - Logo

"The Meeting-Place of the Global PDF Industry"

    The PDF Association,

    The PDF Association is a global industry initiative for
    developers of PDF solutions; companies that work
    with PDF in document management systems (DMS) and
    electronic content management (ECM), interested individuals,
    and users who want to implement PDF technology in their organizations.

    Founded in 2006 the PDF Association promotes understanding,
    adoption and implementation of International Standards
    for PDF-based technology.

    The Portable Document Format (PDF) is ISO Standard since 2008:

    • Portable Document Format (PDF) on Wikipedia

    • PDF is since 2008 further developed by
      PDF Association in collaboration with ISO.
    • The PDF technology is thus not owned by Adobe Systems.
      Adobe is still an important participator in the development of PDF,
      but now as peer contributor and member of the PDF Association.

    PDF Association Mission Statement

    "Delivering a vendor-neutral platform for developing
    open specifications and standards for PDF technology".

    The activities of the PDF Association include
    education and promotion of ISO 32000
    (the international standard for PDF / Portable Document Format),
    as well as PDF/A, PDF/E, PDF/UA, PDF/VT and PDF/X.

    PDF Association works closely with ISO and AIIM
    on the development of future PDF standards.

    PDF Association facilitates networking and communication,
    and the sharing of expertise and experience with interested
    parties worldwide, and includes over 100 enterprises and
    numerous individual subject-matter experts from
    more than 20 countries.

    • Developers
      use the PDF Association to improve and extend their
      PDF software, to share knowledge and experience
      with PDF technology.

    • Decision-makers
      use the PDF Association to learn about the role and
      capabilities of PDF and PDF’s subset standards in ECM
      and other electronic document applications.

    • End-users
      benefit from improved reliability, quality and functionality and
      interoperability in their experience of electronic documents.

PDF Association Member - Why Join - Logo

    PDF Association Management Board

    The Board represents a diverse range of companies in
    the PDF technology space, including those providing
    desktop software, cloud services, business applications,
    software toolkits, services and more.

    The Board includes several direct competitors,
    highlighting the importance of cooperation in an industry
    where interoperability, attention to standards,
    is the foundation of the value proposition of PDF technology.

    The management board includes industry leaders from
    Adobe Systems Inc., Boeing, callas software GmbH,
    Datalogics, Dual Lab, Foxit Software, iText Software,
    Nitro Software Inc, Orpalis, and
    the ISO 32000 Project (the core PDF standard).

    The association’s Chair is Raf Hens, VP Engineering, Apryse.

    The association’s Vice Chair is Dietrich von Seggern,
    Managing Director, callas software, and
    ISO Liaison Officer at the PDF Association.

    The association’s Chief Executive Officer is Duff Johnson.

    The association’s Chief Technology Officer is Peter Wyatt.

    The association’s Chief Financial Officer is Matthias Wagner.

    Adobe Systems is represented by the board member
    Leonard Rosenthal,
    Senior Principal Architect, PDF & Document Cloud.

    PDF Association Lifetime Member (2016):
    Olaf Drümmer, a.k.a. "Professor of PDF", callas software GmbH.

    Kent Åberg, Founder & Managing Director of NewFormat AB,
    is Liaison of PDF Association Scandinavia Chapter.

Småföretagarna  - Logo

    Småföretagarna Riksförbund

    Creates better conditions for starting, running, developing,
    and owning a business in Sweden.
    Småföretagarna represents 30 000 small business owners.

GrafKom Member - Logo


    Industry association in Sweden for all who are
    interested in graphic communication and who want
    to promote awareness, share knowledge and drive the industry forward.
    Members range from the largest graphic companies to smaller printers,
    copy shops, in-house printshops, graphic schools and suppliers and
    other interested parties.


    The Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG)

    An open forum dedicated to advancing the practice of
    digital preservation and archiving.

    It brings together practitioners, industry experts and researchers
    to share experience in a vendor-neutral forum on how to put
    preservation and archiving into practice, including:

    • Guidelines, best practice, assessment/audit criteria and standards

    • Architectures, designs, workflows and deployments.

    • Software tools, systems and services.

    • Trends, directions and emerging products/solutions

    • Case studies, reviews and practical findings.

    • Comparisons and choices such as community or proprietary,
      onsite or hosted, customized or standardized solutions.

    As a forum, PASIG provides its participants three main benefits:

    • Connecting practitioners with each other to share
      information, designs, and best practices.

    • Connecting practitioners and vendors, to both inform
      market & product development, and help practitioners make
      the most of the best systems, components and expertise
      that technology and service companies can offer.

    • Advancing the state of understanding, knowledge and practice of
      digital preservation and archiving among stakeholders worldwide,
      regardless of size, industry, content or relative maturity.

    The community is above all focused on the practical
    aspects of digital preservation; while it discusses standards,
    it is not a standards-setting organization.
    Theory, research and policy discussions are also relevant,
    to the degree that they have a direct and tangible impact on
    current digital preservation practice.

    PASIG is a place to share practical experiences, successes,
    pain points, and, increasingly, a forum for fostering coordination and
    collaboration to enable the most effective use of our resources.

    To cross-pollinate global ideas and practice, PASIG events
    typically alternate between eastern and western hemispheres
    and are held roughly every 12 months at volunteer host institutions.

Svenska Förpackningsgillet / Swedish Packaging Guild - Logo

    Swedish Packaging Guild (SFG)

    SFG is the personal professional network for
    individuals in the packaging industry.

    SFG's purpose is to promote the development of
    the members' knowledge and career.

    This is mainly done by:

    • Skills-enhancing activities;
      e.g. via lectures and study visits.

    • Highlight members' skills,
      increase mutual communication and exchange;
      e.g. via network meetings and discussion forums.

    • Increase the number of members and
      the number of active members.

    • Work together to clarify and strengthen
      members´ professional roles.

NewFormat AB
Smörblommegränd 14, SE-165 72 Hässelby (Stockholm), Sweden
tel:+46 (0)70 631 53 01

All content © copyright 2008-2025 NewFormat AB. All rights reserved.
All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks
are property of their respective owners.

PDF Association Member - Logo     Småföretagarna - Logo     GrafKom - Logo     Svenska Förpackningsgillet / Swedish Packaging Guild - Logo