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NewFormat AB

PDF standards make the world work

Our solutions are based on
tested, reliable, and highly accessible hardware and software solutions.

NewFormat is Appointed Reseller and Solution Partner in
Nordic (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway)
Baltic Region (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
of leading PDF technology from axaio software GmbH.

axaio software - Company Logo

Editorial Workflow Technology

Streamlines and standardizes PDF
creation, print and publishing output and content correction workflows for
Adobe® InDesign®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Adobe® InCopy® and QuarkXPress®

axaio MadeToPrint - Logo

axaio MadeToPrint
Intelligent Printing and Exporting
from your preferred layout and design applications

axaio - intelligent efficiency

axaio software plug-ins enhance native capabilities and features of
Adobe® InDesign®, InCopy®, Illustrator® and QuarkXPress® environments.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Logo axaio software MadeForLayers - Logo
axaio software MadeToTag - Logo
(Click on any icon for more detailed product information)

    axaio solutions are being used by public authorities, publishing houses,
    advertisement agencies, media services agencies, prepress service providers,
    printers and packaging companies, insurance companies, associations,
    banks and financial services entities, education and research institutions,
    all over the world.

    They can seamlessly integrate into publishing systems such as vjoon K4,
    WoodWing Enterprise, Van Gennep PlanSystem4, and Quark Publishing System,
    and workflow automation platforms such as
    Laidback Solutions FileTrain and Enfocus Switch.

PDF/UA - Icon

    axaio software is also focusing on to provide support for the ISO Standard PDF/UA
    for universally accessible PDF documents and PDF forms,
    a theme of growing importance in going forward.


    • Contact NewFormat,
      for axaio MadeToPrint to enhance the native capabilities and features of
      Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, InCopy and QuarkXPress

axaio MadeToPrint - Logo

    axaio MadeToPrint - intelligent output efficiency

    axaio MadeToPrint is an indispensable companion for professional creatives
    in graphics design, publishing and packaging design.

Adobe InDesign - Icon Adobe InDesign Server - Icon Adobe InCopy - Icon Adobe Illustrator - Icon QuarkXPress Icon

    axaio MadeToPrint plug-ins streamlines and standardizes
    PDF creation, print and publishing output and content correction workflows for
    Adobe® InDesign®, InCopy®, Illustrator® and QuarkXPress® environments;
    manages output to multiple formats and to multiple destinations simultaneously.

    Main goal of axaio MadeToPrint

    • To automate output export to different file formats in one go job;
      e.g. PDF, PS, IDML, ePub,...

    • To combine multiple, manual, repetitive output tasks

    • To proceed them all in one go job

    • To output them to different devices in parallel

    • To guarantee reliable output results


    • Save output to pre-defined target paths

    • Standardize file and directory naming by tokens

    • Tailor-made: execute individual scripts if needed

    • Automated output of layer combinations;
      e.g. for multi language documents


    • Checkup on missing images and not loaded fonts

    • Control of InDesign's Live Preflight

    • Post-check on generated PDF files

    • Report generation in case of error

    • One-time configuration of complex output settings

    • Central output machine with fixed settings
      (fonts, preflight, file naming, etc.)

    • Always same, correct output results


    • Standardized output for consistent results

    • Optimized output features for more efficiency

    • Automated output for time and cost saving

    • Once setup, no manual control needed of
      output settings and processes

    Application example where axaio MadeToPrint inside
    Adobe InDesign makes a big difference

    Your task and conditions:

    • Create and export a Adobe InDesign project in multiple
      languages and format variants to different recipients.

    • Variants: Posters for print and publication on the web,
      other formats for color/black and white printing
      for other channels, etc.
    • Variants could include:

      • Export to single PDF fil containing all different layer views and
        in a format compliant with the latest ISO PDF/X-4 standard

      • Export the default layer view to any of the file formats supported
        by MadeToPrint (PostScript, EPS, PDF, IDML, image formats,...)

      • Export each layer view to a separate output file in
        any of the file formats supported by MadeToPrint
        (PostScript, EPS, PDF, IDML, image formats,...)

    • You perform this type of job regularly (dayly/weekly/monthly/...)
      and often under time pressure to meet promised
      delivery times and quality requirements.

    You have created multiple variants, languages, and
    layers of a design in Adobe Indesign.

    Now begins the long, time-consuming journey
    in making all the different versions:

    • one PDF with all variants and all languages included

    • one PDF per variant, with all languages

    • one PDF per language version, with all variants

    • one PDF per language per variant

    With Adobe InDesign alone, it is a very time consuming task;
    hardly anything you want to do under time pressure or
    as a repetitive or often recurring task.

    What if you could do it with just one click instead?

    With axaio MadeToPrint you solve that task easily.
    With one click, you print and export, at the same time,
    all versions from your design project to one or more
    output destinations/recipients/customers.

    Each recipient gets their ordered job delivered in exactly
    the design, format and in the variants that the recipient wishes,
    with higher quality, and on time.

    axaio MadeToPrint helps you greatly reduce working hours
    to create different versions of a document,
    and increase efficiency and reduce production time,
    by minimizing repetitive job steps.

    Let axaio MadeToPrint take over your repetitive and recurring work steps.


    • Contact NewFormat,
      for axaio MadeToPrint to enhance the native capabilities and features of
      Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, InCopy and QuarkXPress

    Latest News

    axaio MadeToPrint:

    Recently added features:

    • New Preflight Options
    • The newly added MadeToPrint Preflight option for
      checking for missing plug-ins in the InDesign document,
      ensures the expected seamless workflow.

      Furthermore, you can now separately specify whether to
      check for missing fonts and/or missing links in the document.

      Previously, only both could be set at the same time,
      which did not always meet the customer's output requirements.

    • Job tickets in JSON format
    • In the MadeToPrint job ticket mode,
      new options have been provided to create
      input job tickets in JSON format to cover
      individual customer workflows.

      Moreover, you have the possibility to create
      the result job tickets in JSON format as well,
      by defining it in the input ticket.

      MadeToPrint UI enhancements among others,
      the "MadeToPrint Parameter Overrides" feature
      has been integrated into the general setup panel,
      making it no longer necessary to enter a separate dialog
      and thus simplifying handling.

      In addition,
      more than eight parameters per job can now be
      adjusted in MadeToPrint's standard mode for even
      more individual control of the print settings.

    • Further improvements
    • Additionally, several other improvements
      have been integrated that lead to more safety
      in the automated print output:

        In case that files in the MadeToPrint hot folder
        cannot be processed due to problems,
        for example because of a crash of
        the Adobe InDesign Server,
        they are automatically moved to an error folder
        if an error folder has been set up.

        This significantly simplifies and speeds up
        the process of identifying and fixing problems.

    • Book processing
    • The book processing options in MadeToPrint have been improved and extended.
      Users of this new release can now create single-page output in MadeToPrint
      based on InDesign books as input.

      In addition, it is possible to search for missing document links in
      additional folders when using book mode.
      The pre-processing of books has been optimized in the way that
      it is possible to run pre-processing scripts on all documents of a book.

      Moreover, you can process books now also from older InDesign versions.

    • Local Packaging before output
    • Possibility to collect and package this layout data locally for output.
      This results in a higher output safety by preventing problems
      caused by unpredictable, unstable network connections.

    • PDF post-processing
    • The callas pdfEngine included in MadeToPrint
      has been updated to the latest version.

      For the MadeToPrint PDF Post Process feature,
      this pdfEngine allows to apply new PDF profiles
      from the latest callas pdfToolbox 13 version.
      These include the PDF/X-6 standard which is based on PDF 2.0,
      the future standard for PDF print templates.

      In addition, it is possible to export hyperlinks from
      placed INDD or PDF documents into the exported PDF.


    • Contact NewFormat,
      for axaio MadeToPrint to enhance the native capabilities and features of
      Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, InCopy and QuarkXPress

axaio MadeToPrint webinars / video recordings, tutorials, demonstrations

Webinars / Video recordings - Icon

Video Demonstrations of MadeToPrint - Popup-window

axaio software - Tutorials

axaio MadeToPrint Training

MadeToPrint - Instructor-led Training

Price Information

axaio MadeToPrint - Datasheets/Brochures/User Manuals

axaio MadeToPrint Flyer - Front Cover - Picture

    axaio MadeToPrint Related Reference Cases

  • 2019 - PRO, PROpensionären
    PRO is one of Sweden's largest and most active social movements.
    PRO exerts influence on major social issues and ensure that life
    as a pensioner is more fun and more rewarding.
    Design and production of the member magazine: PROpensionären.

  • 2019 - Tamedia AG
    Tamedia is a Swiss media company based in Zurich.
    Tamedia's daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, online platforms, together
    with its printing facilities make it one of Switzerland's leading media enterprises.

  • 2014 - MediaMarkt
    Germany's and Europe's Number One consumer electronics retailer.
    The company currently has over 800 stores in 14 countries around the globe.
    For the production of its promotional materials the company uses axaio MadeToPrint.

  • 2014 - Hornbach
    Founded in 1877, this independent family-run company operates 148 large mega stores
    with garden centers in nine European countries and is satisfied MadeToPrint user.

  • 2013 - Stadium AB
    Sweden’s largest sports chain with more than 140 stores in Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
    Production/Supply of sales collaterals and promotion material for sports stores.

  • 2013 - Lego
    The LEGO Group is a privately held, family-owned company
    with headquarters in Billund, Denmark. Based on the iconic LEGO® brick,
    it is one of the world's leading manufacturers of play materials.

  • 2013 - Motorrad AB, Sweden (partly owned by Egmont)
    "Motorrad - Europe's largest bike magazine now in Sweden".

  • 2012 - Ringier AG
    Swiss media company operating more than 120 newspapers and magazines worldwide,
    as well as running printing plants, several radio and TV stations and
    over 80 web and mobile platforms.
    Fully automation of high resolution print data (PDF/X-3 standard) - (pdf)

  • 2009 - TUI
    TUI Germany GmbH is the German market leader in tourism.
    For their catalog production, TUI Germany has been counting on MadeToPrint for years:
    “MadeToPrint is the ideal complement for the delivery of files to
    our production system for print production.
    Our MadeToPrint jobs ensure high reliability and short processing times.
    Especially in the field of our catalog production we appreciate these benefits.”
    says Hendrik Bender, Consultant Media Technology.

  • 2008 - Aste Helsinki
    Builders of innovative media communications providing comprehensive
    digital and print communication as well as marketing solutions for
    various types of organizations, publishers and brands.
    Aste Helsinki help enterprises to process and share content in the right way and in
    the right place: books, magazines, online, brochures, social media, tablets, phones.
    MadeToPrint helps Aste Helsinki to publish its materials with the highest quality and efficiency.

  • 2006 - Axel Springer SE
    One of the largest digital publishing houses in Europe,
    with numerous multimedia news brands, such as BILD, WELT, and FAKT.
    Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, the company (with nearly 14,000 employees)
    is active in more than 40 countries with subsidiaries, joint ventures, and licenses.

  • 2000 - O'Sullivan Communications (OSC), USA
    One of the largest digital publishing houses in USA,
    is developing a variety of multilingual products and services
    to meet project requirements in any industry.
    The company has a multilingual, multicultural in-house team of skilled professionals
    who provide among others layout and publishing, translations, prepress, printing ...
    MadeToPrint Auto for Quark Publishing Platform is a fixed part of their standardized
    print production workflow for many years, as it ensures a reliable and consistent output
    of all different document versions. OSC has enjoyed huge time-savings
    with the automation and handsfree operation of MadeToPrint.


axaio MadeToPrint - Logo

Download - Icon
Click Here for Free Trial of axaio MadeToPrint for 30 Days

(You will be asked to fill in a trial request form.
To help us identify your software download and support you,
please enter the code NewFormat
in the form field named Preferred Reseller).

axaio MadeToPrint
Intelligent Printing and Exporting

axaio software MadeToPrint - Intelligent Printing and Exporting - Text Banner - Picture

    axaio MadeToPrint is the intelligent print, publishing and export solution for
    publishers, printers, creative agencies, and for the packaging printing industry,
    for output standardization, optimization and automation from within
    Adobe® InDesign®, Illustrator®, InCopy® and QuarkXPress®.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Bullets - Reduced Error Levels, Greater Control, Increased Productivity - Text Banner - Picture

    The main objective of all versions of MadeToPrint is to standardize output processes so
    that all different components needed for production are created according to the right
    specifications, in the right locations and with a predefined standard naming convention.
    This reduces errors and lead-times and as a result increases rentability of production.

    Handling documents in multiple languages and versions is a challenge.
    axaio MadeToPrint is the ideal gate keeper and offers streamlined and faultless production
    with standardized file naming and path handling, adding info bars, handling language layers
    and finally providing an imposed file ready for digital print output.
    Needless to say that this adds a tremendous efficiency increase,
    and considerable time and cost savings.

axaio software MadeToPrint Production Flow - Picture

    MadeToPrint enriches Adobe® InDesign®, Illustrator®, InCopy® and QuarkXPress®
    with numerous professional output and conversion features,
    including batch processing and hotfolder operation.
    Optionally, MadeToPrint can be used in conjunction with editorial systems.

    Efficient Layer Organization with MadeForLayers - Included for free in MadeToPrint:
    When using MadeForLayers as a free part of MadeToPrint,
    the different layer views can automatically be printed or exported to PDF,
    instantly creating faultless output for all different language or regional versions.

axaio software MadeForLayers included in MadeToPrint - Picture

    Streamlined multi-channel output and quality verification

    axaio MadeToPrint allows fully automated print and export from
    the design document to one or more output targets.
    This means that the same document can be exported to different
    PDF versions, EPub and XML.
    The automation process is based on an integrated hot folder support.

axaio software MadeToPrint Production Flow - Submit, Input, Process, Delivery, FTP, E-mail - Picture

    Especially for Adobe InDesign document types that contain a large amount of
    InDesign master page objects, the "MadeToPrint Export to PDF" process
    is highly accelerated, fastening the print production significantly.
    In particular, customers with high-volume data-processing will benefit
    from this as they can export larger amounts of documents in less time.

    Quality verification is one of the most important steps in any publishing workflow.
    The earlier sophisticated quality checkups in the creative workflow is performed,
    the easier it is to correct mistakes saving time and costs
    - all of which quality assures the entire workflow.

    Quality verification with MadeToPrint vastly enhances the reliability of PDF
    generation and print output processes as well as export to different file formats;
    among them EPUB.

axaio MadeToPrint turns manual, interactive, repetetive and
time consuming workloads into automated workflows

1.axaio software MadeToPrint - Turn Manual Workload into Automated Workflow - Picture 1

2. axaio software MadeToPrint - Turn Manual Workload into Automated Workflow - Picture 2

3. axaio software MadeToPrint - Turn Manual Workload into Automated Workflow - Picture 3

4. axaio software MadeToPrint - Turn Manual Workload into Automated Workflow - Picture 4

    Overall advantages:

    • processes big data volumes in a shorter time

    • saves costs while avoiding mistakes through a standardized workflow

    • minimizes repetitive tasks and the number of keystrokes

    • no repetitive control of settings saves time and secures the workflow

    • guarantees best output results through different quality checks

    • enhanced workflow through a centralized output administration

    • short time to Return-on-Investment (ROI)

axaio MadeToPrint - Three versions

axaio MadeToPrint Standard - Logoaxaio MadeToPrint Auto - Logoaxaio MadeToPrint Server - Logo

Fields of Application for axaio MadeToPrint in
Adobe® InDesign®/InCopy®/Illustrator® or QuarkXPress® Environments

    For Publishers:

    Publishing environments that use Adobe® InDesign®/InCopy®/Illustrator® or QuarkXPress®
    as their publishing program simply need top efficiency in terms of production procedures.

    Typically, several teams simultaneously work on a large number of documents.
    Against the deadlines!
    Today they still run into output flaws, misprints, issues with layers, etc…
    even with leading layout and publishing tools.

    • MadeToPrint Auto and MadeToPrint Server solve current issues by automating,
      extending, enhancing, and streamlining printing and output processes.
      Predefined jobsets in MadeToPrint provide identical output from every file
      for increased efficiency, as well as considerable time and cost savings.

      Any publisher looking to standardize output in order to decrease
      cost and errors should have a look at MadeToPrint.

    For Printers:

    For conventional or digital full service printers, the production processes leading
    to the final printed document need to be as efficient and reliable as possible.
    Especially when handling specialized documents in multiple languages and versions.

    • MadeToPrint is the ideal gate keeper and offers streamlined and
      faultless production with standardized file naming, adding info bars,
      handling language layers and finally providing a fully imposed ready to print file.
      Needless to say that this adds a tremendous efficiency increase,
      and considerable time and cost savings.

    For Creative Agencies:

    Inside agencies creative and production teams often struggle with insufficient or
    unfriendly document output procedures inside industry leading publishing tools.

    • MadeToPrint relieves designers for all technicalities of preparing files for print.
      It solves output flaws, misprints, issues with layers, etc. by extending,
      enhancing, checking and streamlining all output processes.

    For Packaging Design and Prepress Teams:

    Today, Adobe Illustrator remains the tool of choice for the creation of packaging designs.
    At the same time, PDF is gaining popularity as the file format of choice
    for file exchange and review.

    • With MadeToPrint for Adobe Illustrator, axaio software provides a solution
      to automate PDF output from Illustrator with all the advantages such as
      cost savings and reduced errors.

      For packaging design and pre-press teams, MadeToPrint is the perfect tool to
      automate the creation of different packaging versions, standardize file naming
      and increase output consistency.
      Once an output specification is set up in a MadeToPrint JobSet all files
      processed with that JobSet will consistently fit the same specification.

      MadeToPrint for Adobe Illustrator also allows you to extract all kinds of versions
      from the same master file, for example different language versions,
      low resolution for customer approval, a technical specification version
      for making the die cuts and more.

      Packaging designers and pre-press professionals are now able to create
      PDF files from Adobe Illustrator, without having to worry whether complex
      layer structures are correctly handled, or whether naming conventions and
      other production specifications are set correctly.

    For Production:

    • Production managers can create output jobsets once,
      making them available to all users,
      to get identical output from every workstation with one mouse click.

How to get standardized and quality-assured output using axaio MadeToPrint

    MadeToPrint integrates with Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InCopy, QuarkXPress
    and provides very precise and flexible standardized output control from these applications.

    Standardized how?

    • create an “Output setting”

    • use that output setting to generate output from InDesign, QuarkXPress,…

    • each output setting generates exactly one type of output

      Output Setting:

        Allows setting up:

        • preflight checks and updates to perform
          before starting the output process

        • requested file format

        • options for that file format

        • where and with which name output should go

        • pre- and post-processing scripts

      Output Set:

      • contains multiple output settings

      • use an output set to generate standardized
        output for all output settings it contains

      • then, one keyboard click generates many different types of output

      • use page ranges from settings in Output Settings

      Output settings and output sets only need to be created once

      • Can be exported and shared with others

Output Settings
axaio software MadeToPrint - Settings - Picture

      New feature: Single Page Output

      • Use Single Page Output
axaio software MadeToPrint - Settings - Use Single Page Output - Picture

      New feature: Use Page Ranges from Settings in Sets

      • Use the preset page ranges of each single job when executing a Set
axaio software MadeToPrint - Settings - Use Page Ranges - Picture

      Possibility to define the page range of a document which needs to be output.
      Previously one could only overwrite the page range of all MadeToPrint jobs,
      which were combined in a MadeToPrint job set,
      e.g. all jobs included in the set were executed with the page range 'all pages'.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Settings - Use Page Ranges from Settings in Set - Picture

      The benefit of this new feature is that one can now output exactly
      the defined page range of each single job in a set instead of
      e.g. 'all pages' of all jobs in a set.
      This new setting option means a boost of efficiency as well as a
      more tailor-made and accurate batch processing in MadeToPrint.

Hot Folders Priorities Settings
(axaio MadeToPrint Auto and Server)

    • Allow defining different hot folders to automatically produce
      output from Adobe InDesign jobs dropped into those hot folders.

    • Hot folders can be assigned different priorities which determine
      the order in which folders are scanned and jobs are processed by MadeToPrint.
axaio software MadeToPrint Auto and Server  - Input Folders Priorities Settings - Picture

      This allows setting up prioritized workflows;
      hot folder setups to generate files to be archived can for example be given
      a lower priority than hot folder setups related to urgent production work.

Image smoothing options when Adobe InDesign jobs
are exported to PNG or TIFF images

    • Image smoothing options when Adobe InDesign jobs are exported
      to PNG or TIFF images; making such images more usable especially
      when produced as thumbnails or preview images.
axaio software MadeToPrint - Image Export Smoothing Settings - Picture

      In workflows where layers and layer views are used,
      export of specific layer views by name is supported to increase flexibility.

Tokens - Support for variables that allow flexible output settings
    • The purpose of MadeToPrint is to reduce errors and lead-times
      and as a result increase rentability of production.

      An important part of this process are tokens.
      Tokens are variables that allow output settings in MadeToPrint
      to be more flexible and to incorporate various pieces of metadata,
      ranging from dates and times, over automatically increasing
      numbers to information from editorial systems.

      Tokens are available for many aspects of output settings.
      They can be used to determine where files will be saved,
      how their name will be created and more.
      MadeToPrint contains built-in help to work with tokens and
      allows predefined token lists for recurring needs.

      Four important new tokens have recently beed added to provide information regarding
      • the number of files generated by an export setting,

      • the sequence in that output, and

      • the first and last spread number of the currently exported file.
axaio software MadeToPrint - Tokens - Picture

      A new token (variable), called ScriptLabel,
      has been added to MadeToPrint’s token engine to e.g. standardize
      the folder and file naming even more dynamically.

      This token captures the content of an Adobe InDesign text frame,
      labeled with a specific ScriptLabel, and imports it into the folder or file name.
      This will give the user more options to adjust his workflow set-up
      in a flexibel and tailor-made way.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Tokens - ScriptLabel - Picture

Managing job configurations

    • News: Managing job configurations

      MadeToPrint now comes with a configuration manager, which optimizes
      the handling of different and complex customer or project configurations.
      Each MadeToPrint configuration can be setup with all jobs
      and job sets for a particular client, magazine, project etc.

      Switching between configurations is easy and quick and configurations
      can be exported and imported so that all settings for a particular project
      are easily transferred from one system to another.

      On top of that, MadeToPrint now also allows searching jobs and job sets.
      Because the search system filters not only on name but on all properties of
      a job or job set, it’s an incredibly powerful way to find specific jobs or
      job sets in a large configuration.
axaio software MadeToPrint - Managing Job Configurations - Picture

MadeToPrint Export Formats

    • News: Exporting Adobe InDesign Files
    • MadeToPrint specializes in taking InDesign files and
      exporting them to various output formats.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Exporting InDesign Files - Picture

    • News: InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop
    • MadeToPrint will undertake the tasks necessary to automatically receive
      native Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop layout documents
      and export them into PDF.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Export Formats InDesign - Picture

      Advantages at a glance for users;

      • Automated PDF export from Adobe InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop files.

      • Automated native file preflight in MadeToPrint before generating the PDF.

      • Time savings for more efficiency and enhanced usability.

    • News: IDML to PDF
    • MadeToPrint is also able to open IDML files and process those.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Batch Mode Processing of IDML to PDF - Picture

    • News: Native InDesign as Output Format
    • MadeToPrint can now also use native InDesign as output file format.
      E.g. IDML files that need to be converted to INDD format,
      can now simply be dropped into a MadeToPrint hot folder
      and MadeToPrint will save proper InDesign files.

    • News: Interactive PDF!
    • An often requested export format has been added: the interactive PDF.

axaio software MadeToPrint - Export Formats Interactive PDF - Picture

      This gives users two possibilities;
      to either export their Adobe InDesign document:

      • as a print PDF, or

      • as an interactive PDF, which can be integrated into websites, tablets,
        mailings, etc. making the content much more vivid and allowing
        interactivity with the reader/viewer.

        All interactive elements that are created in the Adobe InDesign document,
        like for example 'buttons', 'forms', etc. are preserved in the interactive PDF.

Processing native files

    • News: Processing native files
    • The automated versions of MadeToPrint
      (MadeToPrint Auto for InDesign and MadeToPrint Server for InDesign Server)
      are now capable of automatically picking up images, Photoshop and
      Illustrator files from hot folders.

      These files are placed in a newly created InDesign document and from there
      exported according to the settings of the specific job or job set.

      For such native files MadeToPrint provides a completely automatic conversion to
      PDF, image, PostScript or any other file format supported by MadeToPrint.

Adobe Illustrator - Logo Adobe Photoshop - Logo

New user interface for MadeToPrint Server

axaio software MadeToPrint Server UI - Picture

      The old user interface, which was based on Adobe AIR and Flash Player,
      has been replaced by a native application.

      For an easier set-up of the MadeToPrint Server configuration we do recommend
      all customers who are using MadeToPrint together with Adobe InDesign Server
      to install the current Server UI for MadeToPrint. It offers much more comfort
      when configuring MadeToPrint Server and is above all much faster.

      In addition, it offers more options for further development and
      can therefore be adapted more flexibly to customer requirements.
      It is also planned to further extend the UI in the coming months
      into a kind of 'control center' in order to provide the customer with a
      comprehensive response to the status of the processing in the current workflow.
      MadeToPrint Server UI v1.0.003 can be installed separately,
      regardless of which InDesign version the customer is working with.

axaio MadeToPrint for WoodWing Enterprise Publishing System

Adobe InDesign - Logo     +axaio MadeToPrint - Logo   +   WoodWing - Logo

    WoodWing simplifies modern publishing workflows and makes
    digital channels an integrated part of the publishing process.

    MadeToPrint Auto/Server for WoodWing Enterprise is an intelligent
    printing and exporting add-on for Adobe InDesign allowing powerful
    output workflows for multichannel publishing.

    The integration of MadeToPrint in Woodwing Enterprise
    guarantees a very high level of production safety to ensure a
    reliable output workflow with a maximum of efficiency.

    MadeToPrint Auto Enterprise for Adobe CC 2019 and
    MadeToPrint Server Enterprise for Adobe InDesign Server CC 2019
    are compatible with WoodWing Enterprise for Adobe's Creative Cloud version 2019.

    With MadeToPrint for WoodWing Enterprise, publishers can continue to
    standardize and optimize their print and export processes in order to
    decrease cost and errors, and publish more efficiently, whether producing
    newspapers, magazines, catalogues, sales and marketing material,
    annual reports or books.

    MadeToPrint for WoodWing Enterprise relieves designers from all
    technicalities of preparing different file formats for print (e.g. PDF).
    It solves output flaws, misprints, issues with layers etc. by
    extending and streamlining output processes.
    Production managers define tailor-made output job sets,
    making them available to all users, to get identical,
    consistent output results from every workstation
    - fully automated, without manual assistance.

    The axaio MadeToPrint/Enterprise Server plug-in is,
    since Wooding Enterprise version 10.9.0,
    fully integrated in WoodWing's multi-channel publishing system,
    providing guaranteed reliable and effective output procedures.

    Based on metadata information axaio MadeToPrint jobs
    can be processed status-based directly from within
    the WoodWing publishing system - automatically 24/7.

    WoodWing Enterprise can be configured in a way that as soon as a
    layout and its components (such as articles or images) reach a certain
    workflow status, axaio MadeToPrint is triggered and the processing starts
    based on the previously defined axaio MadeToPrint output settings.
    As soon as the MadeToPrint process is complete,
    the layout and its components are set to the next WoodWing state.

    Users will receive a confirmation for the successful export execution or
    an error message, without having to leave Adobe InDesign.

    WoodWing Enterprise and MadeToPrint complement each other
    perfectly in the automation and standardization, one of the most
    fundamental aspects of the production workflow: the edition.

MadeToPrint for vjoon K4 Publishing System

Adobe InDesign - Logo     +       axaio MadeToPrint - Logo   +vjoon K4 - Logo

axaio MadeToPrint Auto K4 and Server K4 are now available for
vjoon K4 for Adobe Creative Cloud 2023.

    MadeToPrint K4 is an Adobe InDesign plug-in that enables
    vjoon K4 users to export highly automated and standardized
    file formats directly from within the vjoon K4 editorial database.

    It is available in two different automation versions, Auto or Server,
    depending on the customer’s automation demand:

    • MadeToPrint Auto K4 is an Adobe InDesign desktop extension
      to achieve an automated, status-based output from within
      vjoon's publishing system vjoon K4.

      Users of vjoon K4 benefit from the advantages of MadeToPrint output
      capabilities that are fully integrated into their editorial workflow,
      ensuring a reliable and effective output process.

      This way, publishers can streamline print and export operations
      for any publication format, adding tremendous efficiency and
      considerable time and cost savings.

    • MadeToPrint Server K4 is suitable for companies
      with high-volume data processing.
    • vjoon K4 is controlled via a MadeToPrint job ticket mode
      and allows the automated output of Adobe InDesign layouts
      directly from within the editorial database.

      With MadeToPrint Server for vjoon K4,
      users of vjoon’s publishing system can profit from the power,
      performance and stability of Adobe InDesign Server
      as well as the efficient MadeToPrint output functionality.

MadeToPrint for Quark Publishing Platform

axaio MadeToPrint - Logo   + Quark Publishing Platform - Logo

axaio MadeToPrint Auto now available for
Quark Publishing Platform 2017.

    Production processes leading to the final printed document need
    to be as efficient and reliable as possible, especially when handling
    specialized documents in multiple languages and versions.

    axaio MadeToPrint is the ideal gate keeper and offers
    streamlined and faultless production with standardized
    file naming and path handling, adding info bars,
    handling language layers and finally providing an
    imposed file ready for digital print output.
    Needless to say that this adds a tremendous efficiency increase,
    and considerable time and cost savings.

    axaio MadeToPrint Auto can be integrated with
    Quark Publishing Platform for a status-based output.

axaio MadeToPrint Auto and Server
supports Enfocus Switch version 2019

axaio MadeToPrint - Logo
Enfocus Switch -Logo

axaio MadeToPrint & Enfocus Switch
the perfect automation solution for
publishing and packaging workflows.

    Creative and production teams in publishing and packaging environments
    invest a lot of time and effort in enhancing document output procedures
    from within different layout applications.

    They often struggle with output flaws, misprints and time loss.

    axaio MadeToPrint for Switch solves these issues by extending,
    optimizing and streamlining printing and output processes from within
    the customer’s favorite layout application through a Enfocus Switch flow.

axaio MadeToPrint InDesign Server in a Switch Workflow - Basic - Logo

    Offers highly customizable print and export.
    Custom configurators allow MadeToPrint to be integrated
    as a component in Switch (work)flows via drag-and-drop.

    Selecting a print job, MadeToPrint controls the print and
    data output directly from within the Switch workflow system.

    Using the MadeToPrint configurators, Switch users can
    automatically create standardized and reliable PDF output flows
    without having to open the native layout documents manually.

    axaio MadeToPrint provides options like preflighting documents,
    checking and updating them for missing links or fonts,
    dynamic definition of file and folder names using tokens (variables),
    batch processing and individual layer handling,
    especially useful for production of multilingual documents.

    Furthermore, MadeToPrint combines time consuming individual steps,
    such as proofing, printing and creating PDFs of varying resolutions before
    finally archiving, into one single job, to process them all together in one go.

axaio MadeToPrint InDesign Server in a Switch Workflow - Advanced - Logo

    Users can execute MadeToPrint jobsets to
    simultaneously control any number of output.
    As such, MadeToPrint can handle multiple tasks
    and output combinations in parallel for highest efficiency.
    All jobsets are saved centrally and can be used by all employees.
    This way consistent results are guaranteed!

For more information contact NewFormat

NewFormat AB
Smörblommegränd 14, SE-165 72 Hässelby (Stockholm), Sweden
tel:+46 (0)70 631 53 01

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