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axaio software - Company Logo

Streamlines and standardizes PDF
creation, print and publishing output and content correction workflows for
Adobe® InDesign®, Adobe® Illustrator®, Adobe® InCopy® and QuarkXPress®


axaio MadeToPrint - Logo

axaio MadeToPrint
Intelligent Printing and Exporting
from your preferred layout and design applications

Key Features - Details

Key Features in axaio MadeToPrint Standard, Auto and Server

axaio MadeToPrint Standard - Logo axaio MadeToPrint Auto - Logo axaio MadeToPrint Server - Logo

axaio MadeToPrint comes in three versions
for specific needs and automation requirements

Comparison of Automation Support in Standard vs Auto vs Server

Click on image for details on key features and differences

axaio software MadeToPrint Standard Auto Server - Automation Features Comparison Overview - Picture

    Common Key Features in axaio MadeToPrint Standard, Auto and Server

    • Combining multiple output steps and executing them simultaneously:
    • Create job sets that contain several output steps and combine different
      types of printout or export to be launched as one output step.

    • Easy export and import of saved jobs.

    • Flexible control of export parameters.

    • Target different output channels in parallel:
    • Driving output to different destination printers in your network or
      exporting to several file formats from a single job set,
      saving output in predefined target paths/folders.

    • Export to different file formats:
    • Export InDesign files to JPEG, PDF, interactive PDF, EPS,
      PostScript, INX, SWF, IDML, Flash or InDesign Packages.

      MadeToPrint uses the native inbuilt export mechanism of InDesign;
      thus all PDF standards and substandards that InDesign supports
      are available for export with MadeToPrint.
      However, due to the available extended PDF post-process feature
      running callas pdfToolbox profiles in MadeToPrint (see below),
      those exported PDFs can be converted to whatever format
      pdfToolbox supports (be aware that this is no plain export,
      so not all features might be supported).

    • Extended PDF check with ’PDF Post-Process’:
    • Run a preflight check and fixes during PDF export
      based on embedded callas pdfToolbox technology:

      • Reliable PDF verification during export.

      • Configurable PDF profiles (according to own requirements)
        for export of "tailor-made" PDF files.

    • Processing layers individually or in combinations:
    • Combine layers flexibly and output them as variants,
      e.g. for multilingual files or regional versions.

    • Support for tokens / variables:
    • Tokens are variables that allow flexible output settings.

    • Dynamic rule-based definition of file and folder names:
    • Configure destination file and folder names based on rules
      and use tokens (variables) to insert information at runtime;
      conveniently choose from token list to set up your own configuration.

    • Flexible handling of files/folders/books:
    • Process current document, all open documents,
      all documents in a book or all documents in a folder.

    • Preflighting before printing/exporting:
    • Check document for missing/changed links or missing fonts before output.

    • Font loading and image update:
    • Load required fonts and update modified images before output.

    • Single page output from a multi page document:
    • Print all pages or spreads of an InDesign document individually,
      or export each as a separate single file.

    • Generating info bars on printouts and in PostScript based file:
    • Create a slug at the top of a page in printed output
      and exported EPS or PostScript files.

    • Manage multifunctional layer views in Adobe InDesign
      from within axaio MadeToPrint with axaio MadeForLayers:
    • Group different layers in one design document into logical combinations;
      create one single layer view for each language or regional version or
      provide a technical, marketing-oriented and legal view of a design
      - with a single mouse click.

    • Optimizations in the editing mode:
    • The job list in editing mode selects the jobs now more conveniently,
      e.g. for job naming and rating settings; it behaves more logically,
      especially when duplicating, deleting and creating new jobs.
      Furthermore, a new InDesign menu entry has been added under
      'Plug-Ins' to directly access the MadeToPrint editing mode:

axaio software MadeToPrint Server UI - Picture

    • Flexible export customization with ’Parameter Overrides’
      for PDF, Postscript and JPEG:
    • Apply various individual output parameters for different
      documents “on-the-fly” - flexible and easy.

      Job sets provide a high degree of flexibility for controlling and
      configuring print and output processes in MadeToPrint. However,
      it is often necessary to only modify a single parameter in the job set.

      Creating a new job for this purpose would be too time-consuming if this
      variable adjustment will be used only once. In addition, the list of all
      job sets could get a critical length and become too complex.

      This is where the 'Parameter Overrides' option comes into play:
      It allows the user to make individual parameter adjustments 'on-the-fly'
      - flexibly and without a lot of time.
      Depending on the configuration, certain parameters can be selected and
      assigned a new value. You can choose from a variety of variables,
      such as bleed, color space, image resolution, etc.

    • Batch processing with script support:
    • Output all documents in a folder and optionally run scripts
      before or after each pass.

    • Many image smoothing options when Adobe InDesign jobs are
      exported to PNG or TIFF image.

    • Packaging feature:
    • Activate the InDesign packaging function separately or
      as part of a job set and collect all images, fonts, profiles and settings
      for an InDesign document into a single folder.

    • Imposition option:
    • Generate fully imposed PDF files;
      a wide selection of immediately usable imposition templates is included,
      and custom imposition templates can be added easily.

    • Distiller option:
    • For better compability with legacy workflows,
      create PDF files by sending PostScript through Adobe Acrobat Distiller.

    • Putting a frame around each page:
    • Add a frame to the output to highlight the page border;
      line type, position, color and opacity for the frame can be
      configured as needed.

    • PostScript expert option:
    • When printing to a PostScript printer or exporting EPS or PostScript,
      PostScript code snippets can be inserted for highly customizable output.

    • Keyboard short cuts:
    • Offering faster handling and therefore maximum efficiency to the user.

    Common Key Features in axaio MadeToPrint Auto and Server

    • Job Priority / Hot Folder Priority:
    • Define the priority order of your jobs to processes more important jobs earlier.

    • Individual and flexible layer processing.
    • While processing books an option allows separate export of layers.

    • axaio MadeToPrint Auto and Server integrates seamlessly
      with automation solutions such as:
    • Laidback Solutions FileTrain and Enfocus Switch.

    Optional Publishing System Connection for MadeToPrint Auto and Server

    • vjoon K4, WoodWing Enterprise,
      Van Gennep PlanSystem, Quark Publishing Platform.

    • Status-based MadeToPrint job activation.

    • Keeps publication components up-to-date.

    • Individual layer / layer combination output.

    • Status controlled output.

    • Links output to condition / status of layouts, articles, and
      images inside the editorial system.

    • Checks out layouts unattended.

    • Updates contents right before output.

    • Checks layout back-up into editorial system database.

    Product Benefits

    • Standardized output = safety/control.

    • Error minimization = time and cost saving.

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axaio MadeToPrint Standard - Logo

    MadeToPrint Standard - One-Click Manual Export and Print

    Product Information

    • One single configuration of time-consuming, manual output settings.

    • Once settings saved in a job set, usable consistently.

    • Less errors, therefore more productivity and reliability in PDF creation.

    • Secure output through standardization.

    • Greater functionality and control over any type of output format.

    • Considerable time and cost saving.

    • Increased productivity.

    Fields of Application
    • Printers.

    • Creative agencies.

    • Packaging design teams.

    • Prepress teams.

    • Production teams.

    • Adobe® InDesign®.

    • Adobe® InCopy®.

    • Adobe® Illustrator®.

    • QuarkXpress®.

    System Requirements
    Adobe InDesign - Icon Adobe InCopy - Icon Adobe Illustrator - Icon QuarkXPress Icon

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axaio MadeToPrint Auto - Logo

    MadeToPrint Auto - Hot folder Automation at its Best

    Product Information

    • Considerable time and cost saving through automation.

    • No need to configure and double check settings again and again.

    • Greater functionality and control over any type of output format.

    • Secure output workflow.

    • Reduced error levels hence increased productivity and
      reliability of PDF creation.

    • Streamlined print and export operations.

    • Improved collaboration through standardization.

    • Integratable with vjoon K4, WoodWing Enterprise,
      Van Gennep PlanSystem4, Quark Publishing Platform.

    • Configurator for Enfocus Switch.

    Fields of Application
    • Publishing environments using
      Adobe® InDesign® / InCopy® / Illustrator® or
      QuarkXPress® as publishing program

    • Conventional or digital full service printers

    • Creative and production teams

    • For packaging design and prepress teams

    • Adobe® InDesign®.

    • Adobe InCopy®.

    • Adobe® Illustrator®.

    • QuarkXpress®.

    System Requirements
    Adobe InDesign - Icon Adobe InCopy - Icon Adobe Illustrator - Icon QuarkXPress Icon

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axaio MadeToPrint Server - Logo

    MadeToPrint Server - True Server Processing with Adobe InDesign Server®

    axaio MadeToPrint Server including the Limited version of
    Adobe® InDesign® Server is a true server solution.

    Product Information
    • Server-based application wherever high-speed,
      high-volume output is of the essence.

    • Mergers the output features of InDesign and MadeToPrint;
      no longer are the desktop versions of InDesign needed
      to regulate printing jobs.

    • Can be configured remotely.

    • New user interface:
    • MadeToPrint Server has its own interface that lets users set up jobs
      directly on the InDesign Server; including options for remote operations
      so that jobs can run invisibly in the background.

    • Guarantees higher reliability, stability and performance
      of all output workflows in InDesign-based environments.

    • Option to import and change MadeToPrint configurations.

    • When using a time limited/subscription license
      the MadeToPrint Server UI now shows the remaining time.

    • Additional UI options: configurations can now be edited,
      deleted and duplicated directly in the UI, which considerably
      simplifies working with configurations:

axaio software MadeToPrint Server UI - Picture

    MadeToPrint Server is an output server solution
    that consists of three components:
    • the Adobe InDesign Server (macOS or Win),

    • the matching MadeToPrint plugin (macOS or Win),

    • the MadeToPrint Server UI (User Interface) that is installed as
      stand-alone program (macOS or Win)

    What is MadeToPrint Server?

    Basically, MadeToPrint Server offers the same functions for Adobe InDesign Server
    as it offers the regular MadeToPrint for the Desktop version of Adobe InDesign:
    automatic preflight, print, export and package of Adobe InDesign documents.

    The crucial difference lies between the two Adobe InDesign applications:
    Adobe InDesign Server works “featureless” at terminal level and
    it has no user interface and displays no document content.

    The Adobe InDesign Server was developed as a high-performance and stable
    output machine that automates time-consuming (Adobe InDesign-based) and
    recurring production processes.
    Adobe InDesign CC Server delivers a robust and scalable engine that
    leverages the design, layout, and typographical capabilities of Adobe InDesign CC
    by enabling documents to be created fully automated.

    MadeToPrint Server combines these characteristics with the popular and
    efficient functions of the plug-in, e.g. running various output jobs in parallel,
    dynamic, rule-based generation of filenames and target directories, checking for
    missing links and fonts, flexible output of levels and level combinations.

    In particular, the multi-instance version of the Adobe InDesign Server
    in combination with MadeToPrint Server enables parallel processing of a
    large number of MadeToPrint jobs by distributing them to the various instances,
    saving a lot of time and thus costs, especially in environments with
    high-volume document production.

    On top of that, automatic document load balancing on the various instances
    maximizes computer power and avoids idle times during production.

    A special feature of MadeToPrint Server is an independent GUI,
    thus giving the Adobe InDesign Server a face.

    Output settings on the Adobe InDesign Server are distinctly easy,
    quick and convenient to accomplish - the elaborate and complicated
    handling at terminal level is omitted.

    In Auto mode, MadeToPrint Server monitors hot folders for incoming
    Adobe InDesign documents or XML/JavaScript files that are opened
    hidden in the background and this is done through multiple instances
    of the Adobe InDesign Server if needed - hence when working with
    powerful computers with multiple processors - you can achieve completely
    new dimensions with regard to throughput and output speed.

    MadeToPrint InDesign CC Server can be configured remotely via
    the MadeToPrint Server UI, which was recently developed as a native application
    and has replaced the old UI, for more stability and faster processing.

    MadeToPrint Auto and Server seamlessly integrates into any workflow.
    Specific integrations have been made (via connectors that are included)
    with vjoon K4, WoodWing Enterprise, Van Gennep PlanSystem4 and
    Quark Publishing Platform editorial systems, and automation platforms
    such as Laidback Solutions FileTrain and Enfocus Switch.
    The MadeToPrint configurator for Enfocus Switch enables an easy
    configuration of the entire workflow.

    MadeToPrint Server installation package consists of the following components:

    • the Adobe InDesign Server (macOS or Win),

    • the matching MadeToPrint Server plugin (macOS or Win),

    • the MadeToPrint Server UI (User Interface) that is installed as
      stand-alone program (macOS or Win) ensures the communication
      between Adobe InDesign Server and the plugins)

    • the MadeToPrint Standard for Adobe InDesign plugin (Mac or Win)

    Benefits of MadeToPrint Server compared to the MadeToPrint Auto version
    • Combines the power, performance and stability of Adobe InDesign Server
      with the various output options of MadeToPrint
      = a turnkey product bundle with all the necessary output functions.

    • Makes programming and scripting output functions of
      InDesign Server a thing of the past
      = a secure, standard solution rather than a development project.

    • Comes with its own graphical interface (MadeToPrint AIR)
      for setting up output jobs directly on the Adobe InDesign Server
      = simple, convinient configuration.

    • Real Server solution that includes options for
      remote operation within a closed network
      = output server and client can operate separately.

    • Available as single or multiple instances
      = scalable effect through simultaneous execution of multiple processes
      using multi instance option.

    • Supports vjoon K4, WoodWing Enterprise, Van Gennep PlanSystem4
      = fully-automated, status-based output directly from
      the content management system.

    • Integratable with Enfocus Switch.

    Fields of Application
    • Publishing environments using Adobe® InDesign® as publishing program.

    • Conventional or digital full service printers.

    • Creative and production teams.

    • Adobe® InDesign® Server.

    • vjoon K4.

    • WoodWing Enterprise.

    • Van Gennep PlanSystem4.

    System Requirements
    Adobe InDesign Server - Icon
    • Adobe® InDesign Server® CC 2018 - CC 2025.
    • Note! axaio MadeToPrint Server for Adobe InDesign Server CC 2025
      can be purchased with or without the Adobe InDesign Server part.

    • For macOS and Windows.

    • axaio MadeToPrint (since v3.0.337)
      also natively supports Apple M-Series (ARM chip).

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For more information contact NewFormat

NewFormat AB
Smörblommegränd 14, SE-165 72 Hässelby (Stockholm), Sweden
tel:+46 (0)70 631 53 01

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