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Presentations of our solutions and demonstration of practical use cases

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Solutions for Prepress, Print Production, Publishing and Document Exchange

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The all-round tool in the field of preflight and correction for
Prepress, Print Production, Packaging, Publishing, and Document Exchange


Best Practices with callas pdfToolbox
Frequent questions to Support / Support Vaults Webinars
Season 2, Episode 1-19

callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 1
2018-03-27 (45:28)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox Desktop are:

- 1a. Use of variables.
Variables can be used to ask the user questions.
In most cases, the user is expected to type a value,
but what if that isn't what the user wants?
What if he/she could select a value from a pull-down list?
We show you how you can do this with callas pdfToolbox Desktop.

- 1b. Use of libraries.
Libraries are available to keep track of profiles, checks, fix-ups and much more!
Libraries could also be used to separate between
development and production profiles, keep track of projects ...
However, libraries are under-used and this session introduces
how they can best be used and what to look out for.
We show you possibilities and usage of libraries
(incl. search across libraries, moving stuff,
getting the default libraries back, exporting/importing ...)

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 2
2018-04-10 (55:08)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 2a. Color functionality and conversion.
The most common question in support is probably
how to do specific color related things, such as
wow to convert RGB to CMYK, but ignore gray/CMYK?
This session gives a short overview of the color functionality in
pdfToolbox and how to use the different fixups.

- 2b. Ink savings or TAC reduction.
How to accomplish ink saving or TAC reduction.
How to use DeviceLink profiles inside of pdfToolbox.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 3
2018-04-24 (24:44)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 3a. Adding of content with a PDF or SVG file.
What if you want to add a color bar along your
PDF files before they go to production?
How can you do this using place content with a PDF or SVG file?
Are there easier ways to add a preconfigured color bar?
What about adding penguins?

- 3b. Rotation of a single page and multi-pages in a PDF document.
Is there a way to rotate only a single page or
a number of pages in a PDF document?
Let's look at the "apply to" mechanism you find in many fixups in pdfToolbox.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 4
2018-05-08 (27:51)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 4a. Installing multiple versions of pdfToolbox on the same machine?
How can you install multiple versions of pdfToolbox on the same machine
for example to test a new version that came out?
What's the difference between installing a major version or a minor version?
Do those versions interact with each other and what about compatibility
between the different versions you have installed?

- 4b. pdfToolbox is activated on particular hardware.
If that hardware changes, how can you move your license
from one computer to another computer?

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 5
2018-06-06 (46:12)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 5a. The imposition engine in callas pdfToolbox.
pdfToolbox contains a complete imposition engine.
It's not as powerful as for example Imp from InSoft,
but it's probably more powerful than you imagine.
We're going to look at the different ways to use the imposition engine
and some of the tasks it can be used for.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 6
2018-06-19 (32:51)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

Reporting for duty!

- 6a. How can you make reports in a different language?
What are the options to create reports in multiple languages in pdfToolbox Server or CLI?

- 6b. How can you change the preflight report items?
For pre-press people the built-in profiles are probably understandable,
but for your clients they might not be so easy to understand ...
What are your options if you want to change the items reported to the user?

- 6c. How can you use custom dictionaries in report generation?
Don't like how pdfToolbox writes out your preflight report,
because the text is too technical or terms haven't been
translated correctly in your language?
Maybe you want to have a preflight report in a language that is
not supported by pdfToolbox. Custom dicts to the rescue!

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 7
2018-07-03 (44:24)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 7a. Removing objects outside of the trim box, bleed box....
pdfToolbox has many ways to ensure no objects exist outside or inside a specific area.
This includes
using the "Remove objects outside" fixup,
using the regular "Remove Objects" fixup,
using masking in the "Shapes" fixup.
How can these been used?
What is the best when?

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 8
2018-07-17 (11:41 + 12:32)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 8a. How to upsample images in a PDF file with pdfToolbox - (11:41)
If images are too large, pdfToolbox has
image downsampling capabilities to make them smaller.
But can an image that is too low resolution be "up"sampled?

- 8b. Batch processing in pdfToolbox - (12:32)
To process multiple PDF documents in the same way,
pdfToolbox Desktop offers its "batch" mode.
Real hot folder based processing in pdfToolbox Server.
callas software also has a product named "pdfToolbox Server"
that provides real hot folder processing.
What's the difference and what is possible with both
pdfToolbox Desktop and Server?

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 9
2018-07-31 (54:26)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

9. Basic CLI operation in callas pdfToolbox.
pdfToolbox CLI (or Command-Line Interface) version allows
easy integration of pdfToolbox technology in other applications.
This is the preferred integration method of many customers
building web-to-print or web-delivery portals.

Get an overview of the CLI, find out where to find the details
using the CLI itself or using the documentation and more!

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 10
2018-08-14 (56:51)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

10. Fonts in callas pdfToolbox.
One of the difficult things in PDF documents are fonts.
- How are these embedded in PDF documents?
- What can go wrong with them and what options does
pdfToolbox give you to correct potential problems?

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 11
2018-08-28 (11:42 + 13:03)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

11a. The test mode in pdfToolbox (11:42)
Nothing is so annoying as ruining your original test files while
you're creating a complex fixup or process plan.
In pdfToolbox 10 you can resolve this and work much faster
thanks to the new "Test" mode.

11b. Finding empty space (13:03).
Checking if a specific area is really empty.
It is not hard to check if objects are where they should be,
but what about checking if a certain area has no content?
Very useful in packaging design, for instance when you
need to have an empty space to print the expiration date of the product.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 12
2018-09-11 (39:33)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 12. We will talk about Sifter in callas pdfToolbox,
which adds a completely new layer of possibilities to your preflight checks!

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 13
2018-09-25 (13:47 + 20:32)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 13a. Creating an imposition template for printing stacks (of numbered tickets for example) (13:47).
For some imposition layouts,
you want to be able to cut and stack the resulting sheet.
For numbering schemes this can be important for example.
This webinar explains how that can be accomplished.

- 13b. Reformatting table throws (20:32).
The imposition engine in pdfToolbox can be used to
split a layout (such as a table throw) and put the pieces
into a different configuration (for example for optimized printing).

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 14
2018-10-09 (14:07 + 10:17)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox are:

- 14a. Distributed rendering for iC3D (14:07):
Rendering images using the Ray Tracer in iC3D
requires a strong computer with a good GPU,
and even then it may still take longer than you'd like.
One way to be more efficient is to use Distributed Rendering.
With this feature, you can use leftover processing capability from
other computers on your network to help render the images faster.
See recording

- 14b. Affordable TAC reduction and ink saving using
callas pdfToolbox and ColorLogic Device Link Sets​ (10:17):
pdfToolbox is capable of doing color conversions using regular ICC profiles,
but it can also use DeviceLink profiles.
Using specially crafted DeviceLink profiles from ColorLogic is an affordable way
to reduce ink in PDF documents to what is needed for a specific printing purpose.
This webinar talks about theory and practice!

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 16
2018-11-06 (53:39)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox is:

- 16. Preflight standards in callas pdfToolbox.
Which preflight standard should you be using and how do you do that in pdfToolbox?
This webinar explains the theoretical differences between
the different preflights and show you how to use them in practice.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 17
2018-11-20 (16:20 + 4:32)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox is:

- 17a. Upgrading pdfToolbox Server and transferring Hot Folders to a new installation (16:20).
While there is no ready-made export and import functionality to migrate your
Hot Folder setup to a new pdfToolbox Server installation,
there is actually a quick way to move all your queues at once
and we'll show you how it's done.

- 17b. Updating pdfToolbox configurators in Enfocus Switch (4:32).
Updating pdfToolbox configurators in Enfocus Switch to use v10 instead of v9:
There are no new Switch configurators for pdfToolbox 10.
Instead, you have to manually update the path to the binary.
In this webinar, we will show you how.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 18
2018-12-04 (32:51)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox is:

- 18. Creating a dieline in a PDF document using pdfToolbox.
The shapes technology in pdfToolbox makes it possible to
create dielines on the fly using pdfToolbox.
Dielines can be created from a page box (such as the trimbox),
a custom box, actual page content and using variables in more creative
applications such as circular dielines are also possible.
This webinar runs over the possibilities of the shapes technology
in pdfToolbox and gives examples of common use cases.

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callas pdfToolbox Webinar:
Secrets from the support vaults - Season 2, Episode 19
2018-12-18 (16:00-17:00)

In this webinar series, we delve into the support vaults and
talk about interesting questions and problems
- and their solutions of course.

In this week's episode the topics with callas pdfToolbox is:

- 19. Custom IDs in preflight checks and fixups in callas pdfToolbox.
This webinar explains why the custom ID field is there,
what you can do with it and shows a use case on how to use it.

Please registrate for the webinar here.

A webinar recording will soon be available here.

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Smörblommegränd 14, SE-165 72 Hässelby (Stockholm), Sweden
tel:+46 (0)70 631 53 01

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